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Demon sword nefarious valkyrie profile android

And most of the stuff he comes up with could not have been conceived by a completely sane mind, ( Of course, this is Anime we're talking about here) the most notable being a weaponized guitar that can kill cockroach aliens. He's the good version-also no question, because in the second episode he gives many In the Name of the Moon speeches about how the alien invasion is his fault and thus he must stop it. Matthew Denton of Heroman, no question.Also, "scientist" sounds significantly more arcane and exotic than "engineer" for some reason. The only reason we have "mad scientists" (insane data collection.?) and not "mad engineers" (crazy gadgets) is that most adults don't know the difference, and perpetuate that misunderstanding. Note that in Real Life, a scientist performs experiments and an engineer makes things.


See also TV Genius, Evil Genius, Science-Related Memetic Disorder, and, inevitably, Scale of Scientific Sins. Of course, specializing in some mad -ology usually involves disagreeing with the current standard explanations in the field, or at least believing that there are some important experiments everyone is ignoring (probably because they are unethical). When there are more than one or two Mad Scientist in a work, they will often specialize, becoming an Evilutionary Biologist or perhaps a mad computer scientist.

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Since Insane Equals Violent, the transformation associated with contracting Mad Science can often be a dangerous one, involving the sudden invention of a Killer Robot, Death Ray or other instances of implausibly fast engineering. The Mad Scientist traditionally has a beautiful daughter for the hero to fall in love with.Īn increasingly common take on this trope is that Mad Science is a disease, either hereditary in which case the afflicted may come from a long line of mad scientists, or transmissible through contagious ideas or revelations. When the specifics of the mad scientist's theories are delved into, they often become Theory Before Phenomenon, unless the scientist has been driven mad by some piece of evidence he saw and wants to prove was real. When confronted about their amorality, expect them to shout that the true value of their work is " For Science!!" They do a lot of hand-waving and cackling as they construct or summon the Monster of the Week or repair the villain's Humongous Mecha, which is usually only dimly visible in a gigantic foggy cloud of expository Techno Babble.

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Mad Scientists tend to have vast stockpiles of Applied Phlebotinum available. Sometimes they will engage in Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness. They tend to wear lab coats, have either wild hair or total baldness, and speak with fake Central European accents. They're scientists, they're somewhat scatterbrained, their practice is questionable, and they are frequently working for the bad guys, building implausible gadgetry, or slightly ridiculous superweapons. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace.

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  • Demon sword nefarious valkyrie profile android